September 2024 Newsletter: Content Migration and other news

Category : Site Updates

As the 2024 sailing season in Canada starts to wind down, we wanted to update you on some of the things that we are working on at LearnToCruiseOnline.

1. Content Migration to Moodle Platform

We’ve been tracking Moodle for some years now, as it is recognized as the leading platform for online education.  We decided to migrate LTCO content to Moodle for several reasons:
– It is a robust platform with a large user community
– The platform offers many features relevant to online education that are not easy to accomplish on the WordPress platform we have been using to date
– Sail Canada has been experimenting with Moodle as its platform for instructor development content
• Our Moodle server is dedicated to us, which means better performance and a better user experience for our subscribers

While we will maintain the LTCO wordpress site (<>) as the source of authoritative information about LTCO offerings, we are in the process of migrating all educational content to our new Moodle site ( <>).

Here is what that means to you as an LTCO user.

• Your user information will be migrated to the new site.  However, if you can’t login with your existing credentials, you may need to reset your password on the Moodle site (
• As each course is migrated,  subscriptions will be activated on the Moodle site, and the old content will be deactivated.

To date we have already migrated the Navigation courses.  Ashore Knowledge courses will be migrated in the coming weeks.

2. Content updates

In parallel with the migration, we are in the process of updating the content of most LTCO courses to reflect changes in the Sail Canada standards in recent years.  The first courses to be updated are the navigation courses, followed by the ashore knowledge modules.  The update to Basic Coastal Navigation is complete, and a new SC Advanced Navigation course is available on Moodle.  Updates to Intermediate Coastal Navigation and the Ashore Kowledge modules will be implemented within a few weeks.

If you are in progress on an LTCO course you have not yet completed, we will automatically activate a subscription for you to the updated Moodle content as soon each update is released.  Details will be announced on the relevant pages of the LTCO site.

3. Other changes for new subscriptions

All subscriptions will be activated for a period of 12 months.  If you need an extension beyond 12 months, you can let us know.

Given the impact of inflation over the past few years, there will be price adjustments for new subscriptions on some courses. However, our strategy will continue to focus on offering the most cost-effective and convenient alternative for the courses we offer.