Update: We are in the process of migrating our course content to a new LTCO Moodle server. An updated version of SC Basic Coastal Navigation is now available on the LTCO Moodle server at https://courses.learntocruiseonline.ca. If you were previously a subscriber on LTCO you have an account on the LTCO Moodle server with the same userId, but you may need to update your password using the Lost Password facility on the LTCO Moodle server at login page.
Welcome to Learn to Cruise Online’s Ashore Knowledge Module for Maritime Radio (VHF).
The material covered in this module is designed to help you qualify for your Restricted Operator Certificate (Maritime). Everyone operating a VHF marine radio is required to have their ROC(M) card. Our Maritime Radio module offers a convenient and inexpensive way to get this qualification.
The course is based on the Maritime Radio Course book which you may purchase separately from Sail Canada at the following link: https://www.sailing.ca/product/maritime-radio-certificate-course-materials/
The Maritime Radio Ashore Knowledge Module is organized in 5 sessions as follows.
Session 1: Maritime Radio System Overview
- 1.1 Course Introduction
- 1.2 About Radio
- 1.3 Maritime Radio Service
- 1.4 Maritime Radio Systems
Session 2: Basic Maritime Radio Operations
- 2.1 Operating procedures
- 2.2 Distress communications
- 2.3 Urgency and Safety communications
Session 3: Advanced Maritime Radio Applications
- 3.1 GMDSS and Cospas-Sarsat
- 3.2 Digital Selective Calling overview
- 3.3 Using DSC
- 3.4 Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPRIBs), and other safety and rescue devices
Session 4: Practice Exam
LearnToCruiseOnline.ca offers an optional online practice exam that will help you prepare to take the official exam.
Session 5: Final Exam
The module concludes with a written and oral exam, which Innovation Science and Technology usually requires be done in-person. If an in-person exam is impractical, under procedures established during Covid we are able to conduct the exam orally using online conferencing over Skype or Zoom. These exams are administered individually so contact us to make arrangements to take the exam. We can usually schedule an exam within a week to suit your schedule and after successfully completing the exam we will email you a temporary ROC(M) certificate.
How to Subscribe
Your subscription fee covers:
- Access to the online ashore knowledge sessions, which include over 140 minutes of screencasts that provide informed commentary on marine radio topics
- Email access to LearnToCruiseOnline instructors to deal with any questions you may have
- Access to our Maritime Radio practice exam
- Supervision and marking of your official ROC(M) exam
- The administrative costs involved in submitting your exam results and personal information in order that you may obtain your ROC(M) certificate.
TO SUBSCRIBE, visit https://courses.learntocruiseonline.ca
For additional information
- Phil Morris, phil@learntocruise.ca, (613) 329-5540
- Rob McLean, rmclean@matrixlinks.ca, (416) 849-0958